
Organic coffee. Fun fact: most of the specialty coffees and what we offer at Traffic, are organic. Organic coffees are cultivated and processed without any aid of artificial chemical substances, such as certain additives or some pesticides and herbicides. Coffee farming being the tough and particular job it is, most of the farms can’t afford the organic certification (same for Fairtrade btw). In that sense, seing a coffee in this section is a sign that the farm where the coffee is originated from is prosperous.
  • "Fruits Du Bloom" Tujillo BIO
    "Fruits Du Bloom" Tujillo BIO

    "Fruits Du Bloom" Tujillo BIO

    Regular price $24.00+
  • Musa Abulesa
    Musa Abulesa

    Musa Abulesa

    Regular price $24.00 Sale price $22.00+
    On Sale
    Sold Out
  • BOYE


    Regular price $20.00+