• "SUPER SEXE" 🎵Zoubi Zoubizou🎵
  • "SUPER SEXE" 🎵Zoubi Zoubizou🎵

"SUPER SEXE" 🎵Zoubi Zoubizou🎵

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Origins: Santa Barbara, Honduras & Sula Wesi Indonesia

Altitude: 1700-2000masl

Processes: Honey & Natural

Varietals: Paraneima & Sigararutang, LiniS795, Andungsari

Roast level: Medium

NOTES: Chocolate covered maraschino cherries, Glosettes, pillowtalk

Here it is again, in new and improved packaging! Made for everyone's pleasure. It's that time of year again where we should be showing those special people around us how much we love them, in every way & caffeinating them is just one of those ways to say you care.

Brew this fantastically delicious blend, together, maybe wear something sexy...maybe wear nothing at all! : 0

It's sweet, chocolate-y, & just a smidge of jammy fruit. Pairs well with silky unctuous milk or on it's own: )

A montreal instituion...

"SUPER SEXE" was a famous, actually the most famous, strip club in Montreal. They had an incredible breakfast buffet among other things. Sadly, ity burned down in what can only be described as a sus AF fire. It was iconic, it was an unofficial landmark for our city, & will forever be missed.

Read about that fire here. There's also a clip of Norm Macdonald (RIP) talking about the famous nightclub https://cultmtl.com/2021/10/iconic-montreal-strip-club-super-sexe-fire-is-burning-down/

SEX, LOVE, & ROCK N ROLL to all of you lovers out there. We love you.